The Social Status of the Artist - The Renaissance and Now
1. Identify aspects of Durer's self portrait that show a changing view of the artist's view of himself as an individual.
Durer began painting self portraits when he was as young as 13. The below self portrait of Durer is oil on wood (1500). By centering himself in the middle of the painting and having clear symmetry present it creates a feeling of power. Most self portraits of this time were to show wealth and power, but this one seems to show or resemble some one else. In the painting the image of Jesus is able to be identified, by the long hair, and the pose of his hand. Durer believed that 'God created man in his own image' this being the reasoning of the commonality between the two. I have included a painting of Jesus Christ so you are abel to clearly establish the similarities between the two and see how Durer based his own oil painting on. In this self portrait, as Durer has placed himself in the image of God (as God created man) it changes the view of the artist as he has not incorporated aspects of himself in his self portrait. In this painting he hasn't aimed to become the centre of attention but he has viewed himself as an image of God.

2. Explain how the artist's social status increased during the Renaissance period. Briefly explain why this happened.
Durer's social status increased over the Renaissance period as he had an arranged marriage. Durer married the daughter of a wealthy machine and instrument maker. Later his social status increased again when he continuously painted self portraits, this showed the changed in his status as time went by, it was almost a documentation of his social status through paintings. This was such a change as it was not common to have self portraits the main theme of your work during the Renaissance.
3. Comment on Gavin Turk's work in relation to individualism, status of the artist and egotism.
according to the online dictionary the meaning of both egotism and individualism are below:
egotism- excessive and objectionable reference to oneself in conversation or writing; conceit; boastfulness.
individualism-a social theory advocating the liberty, rights, or independent action of the individual.
Gavin Turk's work is very self reflective. Looking through his art work he promotes himself through his work. Examples of this are his works that he has used purely his signature, nothing else. Also creating wax models and himself dressed like Elvis Presley. By doing this it clearly shows egotism as he is continuously referencing himself in his art work as his was of promotion. Individualism is shown as he is not relying on anything but himself to create his art work, it is solely based on himself.
4. Comment on Damien Hirst's use of his work and the media for self promotion.
Damien Hirst uses extreme media in his work, by doing this he creates huge attention towards his work, some good, some bad. But Hirst attempts to gain huge attention throughout his artworks. An example of this was the artwork he did called 'For The Love Of God' produced in 2007. This work was a diamond encrused skull with the value of just the materials counting up to $20million and the amount it sold for was $100million. The amount of attention that this work gained from the media was huge and returned back to Hirst as he was the artist giving him self promotion. He is now recognized as an artist that produces shocking work, and enjoys to surround his work aroung the idea of death.
5. Find 2 images of work by any artist or designer that reflect some of the ideas of individualism, self promotion or egotism that have been discussed on this blog. Upload images to your blog, title and date the work, identify the artist/designer and comment on the work in relation to the question.
Banksy is an exclusive British graffiti artist who has perfected promoting himself without even showing up. Bansky has graffitied all over the world and has become famous for his work but is still unidentifiable. a movie has even been made about his work featuring him but with a blurred out face, it even got into the oscars. His self promotion is through his work, by the simple tagged signature shown above which is under most of his artworks or the stencil style that his works consist of which makes his work identifiable and links it to him. Banksy turned a warehouse into a living room for an exhibition and placed a painted elephant to match the wallpaper in the warehouse calling it 'the elephant in the room.' But Banksy himself as never seen.
6. How do you think artists and designers are viewed in Western society today?
There has been a huge change in the art world in western society throughout time. During the renaissance there were many restrictions to art and the art was all within a common theme, today the limitations and restrictions of art no longer exist. Art work now is recognized as more of an expression.
7. Comment on the blogs of other students.
8. Reference the websites and/or books you have used, at the end of your blog.