Thursday, 26 April 2012

1.Define the Enlightenment, including its context (time and place).
'The Enlightenment is generally described as taking place during the 18Th. century and is centered in france. Like the Renaissance, the values and ideas developed during the period of the Enlightenment are described as having a major influence on current ways of thinking in the west and therefore the production of contemporary western visual culture.' -taken from the ALVC book, page 91. 
Other points taken from the ALCV handbook describing the Enlightenment are
-A characteristic bundle of ideas
-An intellectual movement 
-A communicating group of intellectuals
-A set of institutional centres where intellectuals clustered
-A publishing industry, and an audience for its output
-An intellectual fashion
-A belief system
-A history and a geography
2. Define the concept of the Sublime.
The sublime was is the ultimate experience of divinity, a mixture of awe, fear and enlightenment produced by the contemplation of a powerful, terrifying nature. 

3. Explain how the concept of the Sublime came out of Enlightenment thought.

4. Discuss the subject matter, and aesthetic (look) of Misrach's work to identify the Sublime in his work. Include some quotes from art critics and other writers who have written about his work. 
5. Add 2 new images of his work to your blog.
6. Describe how does Misrach's photography makes you feel. How does it appeal to your imagination?
7. Identify some other artists or designers that work with ideas around the Sublime, from the Enlightenment era as well as contemporary artists.
8. Add a Sublime image of your choice to your blog, which can be Art or just a Sublime photograph.
9. Reference your sources (books and websites).

1 comment:

  1. Hi again, i noticed that you haven't completed this blog. What i found in terms of the sublime is that it was an era in time in which a Hiearchy known as "The Salons" dictated which subjects were considered more important and most wealthy, for example history and religious subjects topped the list, while still life painting - something very challenging and difficult to produce was left near the bottom of the list. I really hope i haven't just handed you the answer, but i also hope that what i've said helps you out a bit!
